Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Insanity: The Asylum Vol 2 - Off Day Stretch

Series:       Insanity: The Asylum Vol 2
Workout:   Off Day Stretch
Length:      32 minutes
Trainer:      Shaun T 
Calories:    77  |  2 cal/ minute

In my search for the perfect rest day stretch routine... I don't think this is it (unfortunately).

FitBit breakdown for the 32 stretch:

I'll say again that I love Shaun T.  He's incredibly motivational and I can see how this workout may be fantastic for someone who is in shape enough to be doing a program like Insanity: The Asylum- however, that's not me.  At least not right now.

I still have quite a bit of belly fat and my c-section scar tends to hurt here and there with sitting ab work.  This workout had very little of it which was nice, but the ones they did do hurt more than I expected.

I didn't expect to have much of a calorie burn for this since it's supposed to be a rest day, but I was surprised at how low my heart rate stayed the majority of the time.  I'm also not a big fan of yoga and there was only a few downward dog/ warrior poses which was also very nice.

Overall, very good stretch and I will likely revisit it in a few months.  However, for now, not the best for me and I'll continue to search for one that is more conducive to my current fitness and recovery level.

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